Panty Scented Air Freshener with a scoop of Booger Flavored Ice Cream | The State of TikTok in 2022

In the wild world we live in social media provides a magnifying glass on the strangest social situation we come across everyday. While some of these actions may be faked for views, other situations are so crazy that it would be impossible to sit in a room, and make up the foolishness that gets discussed on my podcast. In this bundle of foolishness we discuss two different videos. The first is a video of a woman air drying her panties on a plane where the panel gives their take on the realness of the video, and what people will do for likes, and views. In the second video we can see a Baskin Robins worker being filmed with a booger hanging out of his nose while serving the ice cream. The panel discusses this situation, and their experiences in the food service industry.

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